Saturday, March 8, 2008

Asian American males

Asian American men to me do not seem that strong. I guess it is society that has influenced me, but I just don’t see the dominant Asian American man. Often times I feel Asian American men can be rather insecure with themselves and don’t have that confidence as with Asian American females. I could be totally false in my assumption, but I just don’t see as confident Asian American males.
When I truly think about this aspect though, I feel maybe that Asian Americans media has really influenced me. There are nerdy awkward white people too. When I think about the mold that Asian American males portray, I see that white guys can play a similar role. There are white guys that aren’t all jocks and are super athletic and masculine.
I think that when I associate people I see in the media, I think that Asian Americans usually don’t get the dominant role. Often times, I see the lead is played by a white guy. When I think about famous white actors, I can think of many of them. It seems that in the media, I do see very few Asian American men play pivotal roles in a movie. Usually though, when I do see them, I really admit that they are associated with martial arts, awkwardness, and other stereotypes. When I try to think of an Asian American male playing a regular person, it seems very hard for me to come up with an actor. Even I find myself kind of weird for an Asian American male to be onscreen. I guess the media has influenced me as to who I expect to play certain roles.
But I have to say that even with the weirdness of seeing Asian American males onscreen, I feel this sense of pride that they have reached the screen. When I see Asian American males, I still feel happy that they are in the media regardless. It just gets the face of Asian American males more in the media which in time, may become a more regular thing to see Asian American males onscreen. With this time, the weirdness of see Asian American males onscreen will disappear and will lead to more roles for these struggling Asian American males.
Outside of looking at Asian American males in the media, I view Asian American males as normal people. They truly don’t all follow stereotypes as the media portrays. Especially with the changing culture, Asian Americans males seem to be exploring new avenues of the world as time passes. Depending on the background the Asian American males come from, their personality can very tremendously like every other person in the world. It just takes opening your own mind to realize how many other things Asian American males are really doing. Even though you may see a lot of Asian American males doing a certain activity, I bet you can find other Asian American doing other activities though it may be less in numbers. Asian American males just have to break the mold and with time, I think that people will see Asian American males in a different perspective outside of their stereotypes.

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